VMD plugins


This file:

  • Provides links to additional plugins that may be useful.

Keywords: VMD, VMD Plugins, visualization, atomistic simulations

Associated material:

There are lots of plugins for various analyses and other tasks. Some of them are provided with the basic installation and many are provided by VMD other users. Below is a list of VMD plugins that may be useful depending on your needs.

Povray rendering

Povray stands for Persistence of vision. It can be easily installed in Linux, Mac or/and Windows 10.

povray can used to produce very high-quality graphics. It can be used directly from VMD provided povray is installed/included in your $PATH.


sudo apt install povray
brew install povray

Download the binary from the povray website.


VMD plugins from VMD Home

Visualizing MARTINI systems

Andriy Anishkin’s VMD scripts

VMD Store: More plugins

Biomolecular SIMulations Research Group at the University of Porto maintains a VMD plugin repository called VMD Store:


  • The Molecular docking plugin requires autodock-tools and autogrid. Autodock can be installed on Mac and Linux by downloading from the Autodoc web site or on Linux from command line using:

  • the vmdMagazine plugin needs NAMD

sudo apt install autodock autodock-getdata autodock-test autodock-vina autogrid autogrid-test
Does not work under Mac Catalina




  • Computes RMSD, RMSF and Solvent Accessible Surface Area


Home page

Clustering tool


Diffusion coefficient tool

Thermodynamic and kinetic models from MD data